Clear English - F and P Exercises - Page 4
A. Practice saying these contrasts.

  1.   fat -- pat
  2.   fail -- pail
  3.   fine -- pine
  4.   fool -- pool
  5.   fast -- past
  6.   foal -- pole
  7.   feat -- peat
  8.   foot - - put
  9.   faint -- paint
10.   fun -- pun
11.   fore -- poor
12.   free -- plea
B. Practice saying these questions and giving the correct answer:
  1.   What does fast mean?
  2.   What does past mean?
  3.   What is a fool?
  4.   What is a pool?
  5.   What does fine mean?
  6.   What is a pine?
  7.   What does fair mean?
  8.   What does pair mean?
  9.   What is a pear?
10.   What does fear mean?
11.   What is a foal?
12.   What is a pole?
  1.   It means quick.
  2.   Something has happened.
  3.   A stupid person.
  4.   It's a place to swim.
  5.   It means very good.
  6.   It's a kind of tree.
  7.   It can mean it's good.
  8.   It's two of a kind.
  9.   It is a kind of fruit.
10.   It means being afraid.
11.   It is a baby horse.
12.   It's a long stick or rod.
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