Word Endings ISE and IZE
I found 694 words ending in IZE: Words such as atomize, capsize, criticize,
deodorize, equalize, glamorize, itemize, memorize, pulverize, realize,
serialize, tranquilize, utilize and many others.
Far fewer words end in ISE. Some of these words are: advise. advertise,
chastise, comprise, compromise, demise, despise, devise, enterprise, exercise,
franchise, improvise, imprecise, surprise, televise, and all the
words using wise.
Some words can be spelled with either USE and UZE: One of these words are fuze
or fuse.
Also remember in British English many words accept both ISE and IZE while
American English accepts on the IZE. A few of this group are; apologize,
brutalize, colonize, equalize, finalize.