List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 24

SYNONYMS: assent, agree, accede, acquiesce, consent, concur, subscribe.
These verbs denote concurrence with another's views, proposals, or actions.

Assent implies agreement, as with a statement or a proposal, especially when it results from deliberation: They readily assented to our suggestion.
Agree and accede are related in the sense that assent has been reached after discussion or efforts at persuasion, but accede implies that one person or group has yielded, as to the insistence of the other: Finally they acceded to our proposal.
Acquiesce suggests passive assent, often despite reservations, because of inability or unwillingness to oppose: I had to acquiesce in her decision despite my private opinion.
Consent implies voluntary acquiescence to the desire or proposal of another: Her parents refused to consent to her marriage.
Concur refers to agreement with another's position and may suggest that one has reached the same conclusion independently: I concurred with our incumbent about the Reform Bill.
Subscribe indicates hearty consent or approval: I am contented to subscribe to the opinion of the best-qualified judge of our time.

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