List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 43

SYNONYMS: blemish, imperfection, fault, defect, flaw.
All of these nouns denote loss or absence of perfection.

Blemish applies to something, such as a blotch, that is held to mar the appearance or impair the character of a thing: Cosmetics are used to conceal blemishes.
Imperfection and fault apply more comprehensively to any deficiency or shortcoming: A true critic ought to dwell rather upon excellencies than imperfections.
Defect . denotes a serious functional or structural shortcoming: There was a defect in the new TV set
Flaw refers to an often small but always fundamental weakness: Flaws in emeralds greatly reduce their value. Experiments revealed a very basic flaw in the theory.

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