List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 49

SYNONYMS: border, margin, edge, verge, brink, rim, brim.
All these nouns refer to the line or narrow area that marks the outside limit of something such as a surface.

Border refers either to the boundary line (erected a fence along the border of the property) or to the area that is immediately inside the boundary (a picture frame with a wide border).
Margin is a border of more or less precisely definable width that is often distinguishable in other respects from the rest of the surface: a boathouse near the margin of the pond; the margin of a little clearing in the forest.
Edge refers specifically to the precise bounding line formed by the continuous convergence of two surfaces: sat on the edge of the chair.
Verge is an extreme terminating line or edge (the sun's afterglow on the verge of the horizon); figuratively it indicates a point at which something is likely to begin or to happen (an explorer on the verge of a great discovery).
Brink denotes the edge of a steep place (stood on the brink of the cliff); in an extended sense it indicates the likelihood or imminence of a sudden change (on the brink of falling in love).
Rim most often denotes the edge of something, such as a wheel, that is circular or curved: a crack in the rim of the lens.
Brim applies to the upper edge or inner side of the rim of a container, such as a cup, or of something shaped like a basin: lava issuing from the brim of the crater.

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