List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 185

SYNONYMS: hesitate, vacillate, waver, falter.
These verbs mean to be uncertain, irresolute, or indecisive.

To hesitate is to hold back or pause because of doubt or uncertainty, as about what to do or say: A President, if he hesitates, events will be on top of him.
Vacillate implies going back and forth between alternative, usually conflicting courses without making a final decision: She vacillated so that when she decided, the tickets were sold out.
Waver suggests a delay in taking action once a choice has been made, as if the decision were being reconsidered: After much wavering he gave his permission.
To falter . is to be unsteady in resolution or action, as from fear or loss of courage: The performer faltered in the middle of the show. The marine never faltered in his duty

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