List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 209

SYNONYMS: intelligent, bright, brilliant, knowing, quick-witted, smart, intellectual.
These adjectives mean having or showing mental keenness.

Intelligent usually implies the ability to cope with demands arising from novel situations and new problems and to use the power of reasoning and inference effectively: The most intelligent students do additional reading.
Bright implies quickness or ease in learning: Some children are brighter in one subject than in another.
Brilliant suggests unusually impressive mental acuteness: Einstein was a brilliant scientist.
Knowing implies the possession of knowledge, information, or understanding: Knowing furniture collectors bought American antiques before the prices soared.
Quick-witted suggests mental alertness and prompt response: We succeeded in preventing trouble not because we were quick-witted but because we persevered.
Smart refers to quick intelligence and often a ready capability for taking care of one's own interests: Good lawyers avoid the appearance of manipulating juries.
Intellectual stresses the working of the intellect and especially implies the capacity to grasp difficult or abstract concepts: The scholar's interest in the intellectual aspect of music didn't prevent her from enjoying concerts.

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