List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 220

SYNONYMS: lethargy, lassitude, stupor, languor.
These nouns refer to a deficiency in mental and physical alertness and activity.

Lethargy, a state of sluggishness and inactivity, may be caused by factors such as illness, fatigue, or overwork, but it manifests itself in drowsy dullness or apathy: A surprise military attack roused the nation from its lethargy.
Lassitude implies weariness or diminished energy such as might result from physical or mental strain: His anger had evaporated; he felt nothing but utter lassitude.
Stupor, which is marked by cessation or great decrease of mental activity or feeling, is often produced by sleepiness, illness, or the effects of alcohol or narcotics; it suggests a benumbed or dazed state: After the accident, he was is a kind of stupor.
Languor is the lack of energy or spirit typical of one who is indolent or satiated by a life of luxury or pleasure: She languored in the lap of luxury.

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