List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 368

SYNONYMS: speed, hurry, hasten, quicken, accelerate, precipitate.
These verbs mean to proceed or cause to proceed rapidly or more rapidly.

Speed refers to swift motion or action: The train sped through the countryside. Postal workers labored overtime to speed delivery of the Christmas mail.
Hurry implies a markedly faster rate than usual, often with concomitant confusion or commotion: If you don't hurry, you'll miss the plane. Don't let anyone hurry you into making a decision you'll regret later.
Hasten suggests urgency and often eager or rash swiftness: I hasten to respond to your invitation. Put the hot broth in the refrigerator for an hour to hasten cooling.
Quicken and especially accelerate refer to increase in rate of activity, growth, or progress: The dancer's breathing quickened as she approached the end of her solo. The runner quickened his pace as he drew near to the finish line. Despite efforts to eradicate it, corruption persists, though it doesn't accelerate. Heat greatly accelerates the deterioration of perishable foods.
Precipitate implies suddenness or impetuousness that often causes something to happen abruptly or prematurely: The mere mention of the issue precipitated an outburst of indignation during the meeting.

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