List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 413

SYNONYMS: vent, express, utter, voice, air.
These verbs mean to give outlet to thoughts or emotions.

To vent is to unburden oneself of a strong pent-up emotion: She was jealous and glad of any excuse to vent her anger.
Express, a more comprehensive term, refers to communication both by verbal and by nonverbal means: can't express the idea adequately in words; expressed her affection with a hug.
Utter involves vocal expression; it may imply speech but can also refer to inarticulate sounds: The words were uttered in the hearing of the leader.
Voice denotes the expression in speech or writing of the outlook or viewpoint of a person or, often, of a group: The judge voiced her satisfaction that the jury had reached a verdict. The majority leader rose to voice the party's opposition to the bill.
To air is to give vent to and often to show off one's feelings, beliefs, or ideas: He wants a forum where he can air his favorite theory.

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