Evaluation of Subtle Differences of 426 Selected Sets of Synonyms -- A Total of 2307 Synonym Words -- Page 15
This is a list of some selected words and how their synonyms differ in their meaning.
  1. foolish, silly, fatuous, absurd, preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous. These adjectives are applied to what is so devoid of wisdom or good sense as to be laughable.
  2. forgetful, unmindful, oblivious. These adjectives refer to inability or failure to remember.
  3. form, figure, shape, configuration, contour, profile. These nouns refer to the external outline of a thing.
  4. fragile, breakable, delicate, brittle. These adjectives mean easily broken or damaged.
  5. frank, candid, outspoken, straightforward, open. These adjectives mean revealing or disposed to reveal one's thoughts freely and honestly.
  6. freedom, liberty, license. These nouns refer to the power to act, speak, or think without externally imposed restraints.
  7. gather, collect, assemble, congregate, accumulate, amass. These verbs mean to bring or come together in a group or mass.
  8. glum, gloomy, morose, dour. These adjectives mean having a broodingly cheerless aspect or disposition.
  9. grand, magnificent, imposing, stately, majestic, august, grandiose. These adjectives mean strikingly large in size, scope, or extent.
  10. grant, vouchsafe, concede, accord, award. These verbs mean to give as a favor, prerogative, or privilege.
  11. habit, practice, custom, usage, use, wont. These nouns denote patterns of behavior established by continual repetition.
  12. hard, difficult, arduous. These adjectives are compared as they mean requiring great physical or mental effort to do, achieve, or master.
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