Paul and Bernice Noll's Suggested Reading List on China - Page 2
  1. The China Handbook, Houghton Mifflin Company, Fredric Kaplan, 1984
  2. The Search for Modern China, W. W. Norton & Company, Jonathan Spence, 1990
  3. Mao Tse-Tung in the Scales of History, Cambridge University Press, Edited by Dick Wilson, 1977
  4. Life and Death in Shanghai, Grove Press, Nien Cheng, 1986
  5. A Great Trial in Chinese History, New World Press, Beijing, 1991
  6. The White Boned Demon, A Biography of Madame Mao Zedong, William Morrow and Company, Inc., Ross Terrill, 1984
  7. The Era of Zhao Ziyang, Power struggle in China, A. B. Books Stationery, Hong Kong, Willy Wo-Lap Lam, 1989
  8. Born Red, A Chronicle of the Cultural Revolution, Stanford University Press, Gao Yuan, 1987
  9. Memoirs of a Chinese Marshal, A Cultural Revolution Confession, by Peng Dehuai, Foreign Language Press, Beijing, 1984
  10. Selected Works of Zhu De, Foreign Language Press, Beijing, 1986
  11. Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, Foreign Language Press, Beijing, 1984
  12. A Traveler's Guide to Chinese History, Henry Holt and Company, Madge Huntington, 1986
  13. China's Minority Nationalities, China Reconstructs, 1984
  14. Cultural Atlas of China, Facts on File Inc., Caroline Blunden and Mark Elvin, 1983
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