Pu'er Chinese Cities with Over a Million Population
176. Pu'er, Yunnan - 2,360,000

Puer is in an important location linking roadway and waterway transportation between the China hinterland and Southeast Asia. Since 1896, it has been opened up as a commerce port, being one of the three towns of trading importance in Yunnan. Puer City was originally called, 'Simao City' and, is famous for its Puer Tea. As to the terrain, Puer lies at the southwest edge of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, which is in the south section of the Hengduan Mountains. Medium sized mountains and valleys between them constitute nearly ninety percent the city's territory. Enjoying a plateau monsoon climate at low latitude, Puer is affected by the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. Therefore, the main features of its weather are mildness and humidity without strong winds. It has a wet season and a dry season. When to Visit: all the year round

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Pu'er Tea Festival in Pu'er, southwest China's Yunnan Province
Girls of 14 ethnic groups dressed up with their costumes.