- Xiamen Chinese Cities with Over a Million Population
243. Xiamen, Fujian - 3,531,347

Xiamen also known as Amoy is a major city on the southeast (Taiwan Strait) coast of the People's Republic of China. It is administered as a sub-provincial city of Fujian Province with an area of 1,573.16 square kilometers (607.40 sq mi) and population of 3.53 million. Its built up area is now bigger than the old urban island area and covers now all 6 districts of Xiamen (Huli, Siming, Jimei, Tong'an, Haicang and recently Xiang'an), for a total of 3,531,147 inhabitants. It borders Quanzhou to the north and Zhangzhou making with this city a unique built up area of more than 5 million people. The Jinmen (Kinmen) Islands administered by the Republic of China (Taiwan) are less than 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) away.

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