Yingtan Chinese Cities with Over a Million Population
276. Yingtan, Jiangxi - 1,124,906

According to archeological discovery, this area became a vital center of ceramic production as early as the middle and late Shang Dynasty (16th - 11th century BC). It was called Yingtan Fang in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), just the eponymy of the city. In the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), it was only a town and ascended to be a city though more than a hundred years of development. Yingtan belongs to the low mountainous and hilly area of northeast Jiangxi, having typical Danxia Landform. Within the city, over ninety percent of the plantation is paddy field. Enjoying a subtropical temperate and humid monsoon climate, the city is characterized by clear four seasons, moderate weather, abundant rainfall and long frost-free season. The weather in spring is inconstant and winter is relatively warmer. April to June is the flood season. When to Go: all the year round.

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Yingtan, Jiangxi Province