Yunfu Chinese Cities with Over a Million Population
283. Yunfu, Guangdong - 2,360,128

As early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Yunfu Shire was established to administrate this area. It was altered to Dong'an County in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and regained its name Yunfu as a county in 1914. The terrain of Yunfu descents from the southwest to the northeast. Mountainous and hilly areas, altogether with the karst landform, constitute the most distinctive Yunfu. Yunfu City is situated in subtropical zone, having abundant sunshine and rich rainfall. The weather is temperate all the year round with an average temperature of 22C (72F). Overcast and wet days mainly concentrate in spring and autumn, while summer is hot, rainy and often suffers from thunderstorms. Winter is dry and seldom rainy, but sunshine is adequate.

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Yunfu, Guangdong Province