Zhongwei Chinese Cities with Over a Million Population
296. Zhongwei, Ningxia - 1,041,821

Thirty thousand years ago, human settlers lived there. Before the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC) established a shire to administrate this area, it was inhabited by ancient ethnic minorities, including Qiang and Rong. By the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the name of Zhongwei was in use. The terrain of Zhongwei declines from the west to the east, and from the south to the north. Mountains and loess hills constitute most of the city's territory. The Yellow River flows through the northwestern part of the city. Zhongwei is located deep in inland China, close to the desert and far away from the sea; hence, it enjoys a semi-arid continental monsoon climate accompanied by desert climate. Its climate features a late spring, a short summer and a long winter. It is windy and there is a lack of rain in this area.

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Wolfberry fields in Zhongning County, Zhongwei City