305 Chinese Cities Over a Million Population Alphabetically - Page 24
Rank City Province/Region Population Level
231 Ürümqi Xinjiang 3,110,280 Prefecture Level City
232 Weifang Shandong 9,086,200 Prefecture Level City
233 Weihai Shandong 2,804,800 Prefecture Level City
234 Weinan Sha'anxi 5,286,077 Prefecture Level City
235 Wenshan Yunnan 3,518,000 Autonomous Prefecture
236 Wenzhou Zhejiang 9,122,100 Prefecture Level City
237 Wuhan Hubei 9,785,392 Sub-Provincial City
238 Wuhu Anhui 2,263,123 Prefecture Level City
239 Wuwei Gansu 1,930,200 Prefecture Level City
240 Wuxi Jiangsu 6,372,624 Prefecture Level City
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