History of China from 1600 to 1987 - Page 5
A College Paper By Paul Noll

C. Qing Dynasty

Dorgon, as regent for the child emperor Shunzhi, ordered all men to shave their foreheads and wear a queue within ten days or die. He also forbidden the Manchus women to bind their feet and thus created an effective barrier to intermarriage with the Chinese men. Within twenty-five years, the Manchus confiscate 5 million acres of land resulting in wide spread chaos and devastation of the former Chinese farmers. Shunzhi took over the reins at the age of thirteen when Dorgon died in 1650 on a hunting trip. Shunzhi died unexpectedly in 1661. His son Kangxi followed him with Oboi as regent. At thirteen, Kangxi put himself into power and in 1669 arresting Oboi on charges of arrogance and dishonesty. Oboi soon died in prison and Kangxi began a reign until 1722 to become one of the most admired rulers in China's long history.