Loushan Pass Long March at the Loushan Pass - Page 5A

After crossing the Xiang River, the Red Army arrived in Zunyi, where Mao Zedong took over command and changed the direction of advance. As they approached Loushan Pass, which controlled access to Zunyi, Peng Dehuai 's troops quickly found they had arrived only moments ahead of the KMT, who were spotted some 200 yards down the pass on the other side. During the next two days, Red Army troops devastated two divisions and eight regiments of KMT forces, killing or driving 3,000 troops into the mountains and taking 2,000 prisoners. The "Lou Mountain Pass Victory" was the first Red Army victory during the Long March.
Mao Zedong wrote a poem to commemorate this glorious event.

The poem "Loushan Pass" is considered one of Mao's best pieces.

Fierce the west wind, Wild geese cry under the frosty morning moon.
Under the frosty morning moon, Horses' hooves clattering,
Bugles sobbing low. Idle boast the strong pass is a wall of iron,
With firm strides we are crossing its summit. We are crossing its summit,
The rolling hills sea-blue, The dying sun blood-red.

Loushan Pass