Lin Biao - Carying Out The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Lin Biao -- On Carrying out the Tasks of Struggle-Criticism-Transformation - Page 4

This is a basic principle which enables the superstructure to serve its socialist economic base still better. A duplicate administrative structure divorced from the masses, scholasticism which suppresses and binds their revolutionary initiative, and a landlord and bourgeois style of going in for formality and ostentations -- all these are destructive to the socialist economic base, advantageous to capitalism and harmful to socialism. In accordance with Chairman Mao's instructions, organs of state power at all levels and other organizations must keep close ties with the masses, first of all with the basic masses -- the working class and the poor and lower-middle peasants. Cadres, old and new, must constantly sweep away the dust of bureaucracy and must not fall into the bad habit of "acting as bureaucrats and overlords." They must keep on practising frugality in carrying out revolution, run all socialist undertakings industriously and thriftily, oppose extravagance and waste and guard against bourgeois attacks with sugar-coated bullets. They must maintain the system of cadre participation in collective productive labour. They must be concerned with the well-being of the masses. They must themselves make investigation and study in accordance with Chairman Mao's teachings, "dissect" on or several "sparrows" and Constantly sum up experience. they must make criticism and self-criticism regularly and, in line with the five requirements of the successors to the revolution a s set forth by Chairman Mao, "fight self, criticize revisionism" and conscientiously remould their world outlook.

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