Lin Biao - Policies of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Page 2
The majority of the vast majority of the intellectuals trained in the old type
schools and colleges are able or willing to integrate themselves with the
workers, peasants and soldiers. They should be "re-educated" by the workers,
peasants and soldiers under the guidance of Chairman Mao's correct line, and
encouragement should be given to those who do well in such integration and to
the Red Guards and educated young people who are active in going to the
countryside or mountainous areas.
Chairman Mao has taught us many times: "Help more people by educating them and
narrow the attack" and "carry out Marx's teaching that only by emancipating all
mankind can the proletariat achieve its own final emancipation." With regard to
people who have made mistakes, stress must be laid on giving them education and
re-education. doing patient and careful ideological and political work and
truly acting "on the principle of 'learning from past mistakes to avoid future
ones' and 'curing the sickness to save the patient,' in order to achieve the
twofold objective of clarity in ideology and unity among comrades." With regard
to good people who committed the errors characteristic of the capitalist-roader
in power but now have raised their political consciousness and gained the
understanding of the masses, they should be promptly "liberated," assigned to
suitable work and encouraged to go among the masses of the workers and peasants
to remould their world outlook. As for those who have made little progress and
become awakened to some extent, we should continue to help them, proceeding
from the viewpoint of unity,
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