1950 Marriage Law of People's Republic of China - Articles 20 and 21 - Page 9

Chapter VI - Maintenance and Education of Children after Divorce

Article 20
The blood ties between parents and children are not ended by divorce of the parents. No matter whether the father or the mother has the custody of the children, they remain the children of both parties.
  After divorce, both parents continue to have the duty to support and educate their children.
  After divorce, the guiding principle is to allow the mother to have custody of a breast-fed infant. After the weaning of the child, if a dispute arises between the two parties over the guardianship and an agreement cannot be reached, the people's court should render a decision in accordance with the interests of the child.

Article 21
If after divorce, the mother is given custody of a child, the father is responsible for the whole or part of the necessary cost of the maintenance and education of the child. Both parties should reach an agreement regarding the amount and the duration of such maintenance and education. Lacking such agreement, the people's court should render a decision.

Payment may be made in cash, in kind or by tilling the land allocated to the child.

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