Pengling - Percussion Instrument  - Instrument 20 Chinese Musical Instruments - Instrument 20
Pengling - Percussion Instrument

We bought this instrument in Zhengzhou at a music store. They are a pair of small bowl-shaped finger cymbals or bells connected by a length of cord, which are struck together

The two small bells are made of high-tin bronze, without internal clappers, hemispheric or bottomless gourd-like in shape. There is a cymbal-shaped type in Tibet, cast with decorative patterns on the surface. In performance the player, with one bell in each hand, strikes each other at their rims. The instrument has a delicate, clarion and melodious tone. It is a coloring rhythmic instrument, either in ensembles or in theater music, bringing an effect of peaceful dreams.

Percussion instruments are usually considered easy to learn and perform. As many different percussion instruments produce different sound effects, it is frequently used in depicting joyful and exciting occasions such as harvests, marriages, as well as other traditional Chinese festivals.

Pengling - Percussion Instrument
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