Dagu - Percussion Instrument - Instrument 25 Chinese Musical Instruments - Instrument 25
Dagu - Percussion Instrument

The history of Chinese percussion instruments is longer than any other section of traditional Chinese instruments. The character of the drum was first recorded in the ancient inscriptions on oracle bones and tortoise shells dating from the Shang Dynasty. At that time (1562-1066 BC) more than 50 percent of Chinese instruments were percussive in nature. Jilin's folk heritage includes Han wind music and dongbei dagu (drum storytelling), yangge music, the wuliger and halaibo singing traditions of the Mongols.

Percussion instruments produce sound through striking on the surface. Common materials used for making percussion instruments in the past were gold, rock, wood and bamboo. The more popular percussion instruments include tuo, or gongs, gu, or drums, bo (cymbals), and bianzhong.

The percussion section is the most important section in Chinese opera, particularly in scenes involving martial arts, known as wu chang. The player of the bangu, directs the rest of the orchestra through his different methods and positions of striking his instrument. He has control over the overall development of the action and creation of atmosphere, and is equivalent to the conductor of the Western orchestra.

Dagu - Percussion Instrument
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