Huang Santai

183 Beijing Operas - Huang Santai - Number 209

Huang Santai

Beijing Opera - "A Meeting of Heroes"

Huang Santai with a pink three-tile face plays the leading character in the opera "A Meeting of Heroes," adapted from a story in "Honorable Peng's Casebook. Peng Peng, or the Honorable Peng, has been dismissed from office for arresting the wicked son of a local despot. His friend Li Qihou calls together a band of greenwood heroes to discuss how to reinstate him. Huang Santai's son Huang Tianba, sends Ji Quan around, with a golden dart as a token, to borrow money. Dou Erdun refuses to give any money; instead he challenges Huang Santai to a duel. Huang wounds Dou by a secret weapon and the two become enemies. See Mask 203.

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