Liu Biao

Liu Biao Number 191

Liu Biao

Opera "Faman Temple"

Liu Biao with a slanting ingot face has a leading role in the opera "Faman Temple." Liu Biao is the son of a matchmaker who has been asked by a girl called Dun Yujiao to arrange a marriage between her and Fu Peng, a captain of the imperial guards. On his way home one night, Liu Biao passes Sun Yujiao's house and finds that the door is only half closed. He enters, intending to take advantage of the girl in her sleep. The girl's maternal uncle and aunt are also in the house and are sleeping together. The intruder mistakes them for Fu Peng and Sun Yujiao having an affair.    Already jealous of Fu Peng, he stabs the man, cuts off his head, and throws it into the backyard of Liu Gongdao, his own uncle. Song Xing'er, a hired worker, finds the head and hurriedly tells Liu Gongdao. Liu, frightened out of his wits, throws the head into a dry well and then, fearing that the worker will let out the secret, pushes him into the well too. The next morning Sun Yujiao's mother reports the case to the authorities. Fu Peng is arrested and under torture confesses to the false charges against him. Eventually the truth is brought to light and Liu Biao is arrested and executed. This murder and the one mentioned in Mask 190 are parts of the same opera.

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