Sandy Porche and Dee Liu

Paul Noll's at Sias International University - 2017

  1. Sias University 2017 Homecoming Concert         It is There but Work is In Progress
  2. Paul's Adventures at Xinzheng Hospital        It is There but Work is In Progress
  3. Jiaozi Dinner with Sandy and Dee in Xinzheng        It is There but Work is In Progress
  4. James Moo Home in Zhengzhou                   It is There but Work is In Progress
  5. Hot Pot Dinner with Sandy and Dee in Xinzheng        It is There but Work is In Progress
  6. Fish Pot Dinner with Michael and Dee in Xinzheng        It is There but Work is In Progress
  7. Senior Pastor Xinzheng Church Visits Paul        It is There but Work is In Progress
  8. Lawrence Chen's Graduation Dinner           It is There but Work is In Progress
  9. Paul's Departure from Sias at Xinzheng Airport        It is There but Work is In Progress
  10. Sias University 2017 Homecoming Banquet            It is There but Work is In Progress
  11. Paul and Sandy Trip to China Airport           Under Construction It is Not there Yet
  12. Sias Student Design Exhibition Display            Under Construction It is Not there Yet
  13. Paul and Sandy's Lunch with James Moo       Under Construction It is Not there Yet
  14. Sias International University 2017 Parade       Under Construction It is Not there Yet
My Keeper and Guide Sandy Porche and Dee Liu
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