Location of Xinjiang

Yearly Weather for Kashgar, Xinjiang, China

Kashgar features a desert climate with hot summers and cold winters, with large temperature differences between those two seasons: The average high in January and July is 0.3 °C (32.5 °F) and 32.1 °C (90 °F). Spring is long and arrives quickly, while fall is somewhat short. The mean annual temperature is 11.9 °C (53.4 °F). Kashgar is one of the driest cities on the planet, averaging only 64 millimeters (2.52 in) of precipitation per year. The city's wettest month, July, only sees on average 9.1 millimeters (0.36 in) of rain. Because of the extremely arid conditions, snowfall is rare, despite the cold winters. Records have been as low as -24.4 °C (-12 °F) in January and up to 40.1 °C (104.2 °F) in July. The frost-free period averages 215 days.

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Location of Xinjiang
Yearly Weather for Kashgar