Location of Heilongjiang

Yearly Weather for Keshan County, Heilongjiang, China

Keshan County is a county in Heilongjiang, China, about 100 km northeast of Qiqihar. Qiqihar has a cold, monsoon-influenced, humid continental climate, with four distinct seasons. It has long, bitterly cold, but dry winters, with a daily average in January of -18.6 ºC (-1.5 ºF). Spring and fall are mild, but short and quick transitions. Summers are very warm and humid, with a daily average in July of 23.2 ºC (74 ºF). The average annual precipitation is 415 millimeters (16.3 in), with over 2/3 of it falling from June to August.

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Location of Heilongjiang
Yearly Weather for Keshan County