Location of Yunnan Province

Yearly Weather for Lincang, Yunnan Province, China

Located at an altitude of above 1,450 m (4,760 ft) and within 30 arc minutes to the north of the Tropic of Cancer, Lincang has a subtropical highland climate falling just short of a humid subtropical climate with warm days year-round, although from January to April, temperatures cool off sharply at night, yet frost is rare. From June to August, rainfall is particularly common and relative humidity averages above 80%, pushing sunshine levels to 30% of the possible total. The coolest month is January, with a daily average of 11.2ºC (52.2ºF), while the warmest is June, at 21.6ºC (70.9ºF). More than 85% of the annual rainfall occurs from May to October.

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Location of Lincang in Yunnan Province
Yearly Weather for Lincang