Location of Jiangsu

Yearly Weather for Nantong, Jiangsu, China

Nantong has a humid subtropical climate, with four distinct seasons. Winters are chilly and damp, and cold northwesterly winds caused by the Siberian high can force temperatures to fall below freezing at night; however, snowfall is otherwise uncommon. Summers are hot and humid, and downpours or freak thunderstorms can be expected. Monthly daily average temperatures range from 3.1 °C (37.6 °F) in January to 27.2 °C (81.0 °F) in July, and the annual mean is 15.3 °C (59.5 °F). With the plum rains in June and early July comes the rainiest part of the year.

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Location of Jiangsu
Yearly Weather for Nantong