Location of Zhejiang Province

Yearly Weather for Quzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

Quzhou has a temperate, humid subtropical climate with clearly differentiated seasons. Its winters and summers are relatively long. The land also enjoys a great deal of rain throughout all seasons, but particularly between March and June. In most years the municipality can expect more than 1,600 millimeters (63 in) of rain. Average temperatures range from 16.3 to 17.3 degrees C. January temperatures average 4.5-5.3 degrees C whilst July temperatures are 27.6-29.2 C. Most of the year (around 251-261 days) are without frost. Winds along the Qiantang River valley are predominantly north-easterly and north-east-easterly. Occasionally typhoons blow in from the Pacific Ocean.

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Location of Quzhou in Zhejiang Province
Yearly Weather for Quzhou