Location of Shandong

Yearly Weather for Rizhao, Shandong, China

Rizhao has a warm and humid climate, the summer are hot and rainy, while winters are cold and dry. With an annual average 2533 hours of sunshine, it is well-known as a holiday resort. The average humidity is 72% and it enjoys a frost-free period of 223 days.

The historical average annual temperature is 12.7°C , though it has risen to 13.8°C around the year 2010. The highest temperatures to be reached in summer is 36.1°C, while in the winter it can fall down to -14.7 °C. Annual rainfall in the city is uneven distributed, annual precipitation in Wulian County is 857.3 mm, while it hits a low of 661.5 mm in the urban areas.

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Location of Shandong
Yearly Weather for Rizhao