Location of Guizhou

Yearly Weather for Zunyi, Guizhou, China

Zunyi is located in North Guizhou province, situated at the side of the Xiangjiang River - a branch of Wujiang River. The elevation of the city is approximately 900 meters. Due to its situation on the Yungui Plateau, the city has a monsoon-influenced, four-season humid subtropical climate that is largely mild and humid. Winters may occasionally feature frost and are generally interminably dreary and grey. Summers are hot and humid, though not as much so as the lower-elevation cities further to the east. Monthly mean temperatures range from 4.5 ºC (40.1 ºF) in January to 25.1 ºC (77.2 ºF) in July. Some rainfall occurs during the winter months, but most of the year's total occurs from May to August.

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Location of Zunyi in Guizhou in China
Yearly Weather for Zunyi