Internet Colors - Set of 1035
GO Green Color 395 - #00AB66
The logo's color, known as "GO Green", is the primary corporate color used on
all vehicles, signage, and printed material.
GO Transit is an inter-regional public transit system in Southern Ontario,
Canada. It primarily serves the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA)
conurbation, with operations extending to several communities in the Greater
Golden Horseshoe. GO carried 65.5 million passengers in 2012, and its ridership
continues to grow.
Although it has always owned its locomotives and coaches, GO's trackage was
originally owned entirely by Canada's two major commercial railways: the large
majority by the Canadian National Railway (CNR) and the remainder by Canadian
Pacific Railway (CPR). In 1988, GO extended part of the Lakeshore East line
onto its first-ever section of self-owned purpose-built trackage. Since 2000,
GO has incrementally acquired further trackage from the two commercial railways
in order to improve service.