Government Designated Colors in Hex for Web Pages
The Federal Standard color system, officially named Federal Standard 595C -
Colors Used in Government Procurement, is a United States Federal Standard,
issued by the General Services Administration. The standard is also widely
referred to as FED-STD-595, FS-595, or similar names with the version letter
Federal Standard 595 is the color description and communication system
developed in 1956 by the United States government. Its origins reach back to
World War II when a problem of providing exact color specifications to military
equipment subcontractors in different parts of the World became a matter of
Each color in the Federal Standard 595 range is identified by a five-digit
code. The colors in the standard have no official names, just numbers. Federal
Standard 595C was published January 16, 2008. No previous colors were removed.
Thirty nine new colors were added for a total of 650 colors.
On to Pictures and Information about the 24 Government Colors ⇨