Brown (traditional) Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

4. Brown (traditional) Color 112 - #964B00

Brown is the composite color produced by a mixture of red, yellow and black. The color is seen widely in nature, in wood, soil, and human hair color, eye color and skin pigmentation . Culturally, it is often associated with autumn, humility, earth and nature, and historically it is sometimes associated with fascism.

Dun, also called bay dun, classic dun or zebra dun, the most common type of dun, has a tan or gold body with black mane, tail, and primitive markings. Genetically, the horse has an underlying bay coat color, acted upon by the dun gene. Red dun, also called claybank or fox dun, horses do not have black points, as there is no black on the horse to be affected. Instead, the points and primitive markings are a darker shade of red than the coat. Genetically, the horse has an underlying chestnut coat color, acted upon by the dun gene.

Shown is a dun-colored horse. Donn is the word for brown in the Scottish and Irish Gaelic languages.
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