Canary Yellow Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

6. Canary Yellow Color 142 - #FFEF00

The canary is a gregarious bird which often nests in groups with each pair defending a small territory. The cup-shaped nest is built 1-6 m above the ground in a tree or bush, most commonly at 3-4 m.[10] It is well-hidden amongst leaves, often at the end of a branch or in a fork. It is made of twigs, grass, moss and other plant material and lined with soft material including hair and feathers.

The eggs are laid between January and July in the Canary Islands, from March to June with a peak of April and May in Madeira and from March to July with a peak of May and June in the Azores. A clutch contains 3 to 4 or occasionally 5 eggs and 2-3 broods are raised each year.

The word "yellow" comes from the Old English geolu, geolwe, meaning "yellow, yellowish", derived from the Proto-Germanic word gelwaz. It has the same Indo-European base that means both bright and gleaming, and to cry out. Yellow is a color which cries out for attention.

Shown is a Yellow Canary
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