Internet Colors - Set of 1035
10. Dark Liver (horses) Color 250 - #543D37
This is the shade of dark liver that is the unofficial web color called liver
that is traditionally used in web site design. The first recorded use of liver
as a color name in English was in 1686. Liver may also refer to a group of
certain types of dark brown color in dogs and horses.
Liver chestnut or dark chestnut are not a separate genetic color, but a
descriptive term. The genetic controls for the depth of shade are not presently
understood. Liver chestnuts are a very dark-reddish brown. Liver chestnuts are
included in the term "dark chestnut." The darkest chestnuts, particularly
common in the Morgan horse, may be indistinguishable from true black without
very careful inspection. Often confusingly called "black chestnuts," they may
be identified by small amounts of reddish hair on the lower legs, mane and
tail, or by DNA or pedigree testing. Recently, it has been suggested that the
trait or traits that produce certain darker shades of chestnut and bay,
referred to as "sooty" coloration follow a recessive mode of inheritance.