International Orange (engineering)

Government Colors in Hex for Internet Web Sites
International Orange (engineering) Color

International Orange (engineering) - #BA160C

International Orange is used by military contractors and in engineering generally. The source of this color is Federal Standard 595, a U.S. Federal Government standard set up in 1956 for paint colors which is mostly used by military contractors and also in engineering. International Orange is designated as Federal Standard 595 color #FS 12197.

A defense contractor (or security contractor) is a business organization or individual that provides products or services to a military or intelligence department of a government. Products typically include military or civilian aircraft, ships, vehicles, weaponry, and electronic systems. Services can include logistics, technical support and training, communications support, and in some cases team-based engineering in cooperation with the government. Security contractors do not generally provide direct support of military operations. Under 1949 Geneva Conventions military contractors engaged in direct support of military operations may be legitimate targets of military attacks. Compare to a private military contractor.

Shown is a Boeing TurboJET 929-100 (Jetfoil) (Boeing an major military contractor)
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