Schauss Pink

Government Colors in Hex for Internet Web Sites
Schauss Pink Color

Schauss Pink - #FF91AF

In the late 1960s, Alexander Schauss did studies on psychological and physiological responses to the color pink. Schauss had read studies that color preferences provided clues about one's personality. Luscher noticed that color preferences shifted according to psychological and physiological fluctuations in his patients. Luscher asserted that color choice reflects emotional states. He theorized that one's color choices reflect corresponding changes in the endocrine system, which produces hormones.

In 1979, Schauss managed to convince the directors of a Naval correctional institute in Seattle, Washington to paint some prison confinement cells pink in order to determine the effects this might have on prisoners.

At the correctional facility, the rates of assault before and after the interior was painted pink were monitored. According to the Navy's report, "Since the initiation of this procedure on 1 March 1979, there have been no incidents of erratic or hostile behavior during the initial phase of confinement."

Shown is a jail in Schauss Pink
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