School Bus Yellow

Government Colors in Hex for Internet Web Sites
School Bus Yellow Color

School Bus Yellow - #FFD800

School bus yellow is a color which was especially formulated for use on School buses in North America in 1939. The color is now officially known in Canada and the U.S. as National School Bus Glossy Yellow and was originally called National School Bus Chrome.

The color was chosen because it attracts attention and is noticed quickly in peripheral vision, faster than any other color. Scientists describe this as follows: "Lateral peripheral vision for detecting yellows is 1.24 times greater than for red."

The yellow color of other public vehicles, including taxicabs, did not derive from Dr. Cyr's standardization. Rather, it was from a much earlier choice made by Chicago-based entrepreneur John D. Hertz, who founded the Yellow Cab Company in 1914, and used the color to brand his business. Hertz's later car rental company would also use the bright yellow shade as part of its logo, which is still in use today.

Shown is a school bus in Schol Bus Yellow
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