Shades of Cyan in Hex for Web Pages

Cyan is a greenish-blue color. It is one of the primary subtractive colors used in color printing. Cyan is made by mixing equal amounts of GREEN and BLUE. On the traditional color wheel, cyan is located midway between blue and green. It was usually called blue-green. The name cyan or cyan-blue was first used as a color name in the 19th century.

The color Cyan has the RED set at zero and the GREEN and BLUE. colors each set at the maximum of FF (255).
Beginning at number 11 we progressively add 23 units of RED while keeping the GREEN and BLUE each at their maximum units 255 (FF). At each succeeding number we add 23 more units of RED and the Cyan becomes lighter and lighter until it become white at when RED goes to its maximum of 255 (FF).

1. #000000 2. #003333 3. #004C4C 4. #006666 5. #008080 6. #009999 7. #00B2B2 8. #00CCCC 9. #00E6E6 10. #00FFFF

11. #17FFFF 12. #45FFFF 13. #69FFFF 14. #5CFFFF 15. #73FFFF 16. 8AFFFF 17. #A1FFFF 18. #B8FFFF 19. #CFFFFF 20. #E6FFFF