Shades of Gray in Hex for Web Pages

Gray is formed by using an equal amount of RED, GREEN and BLUE. We start at number one with no units on each of RED, GREEN and BLUE. That makes the color BLACK.

The shades of the grades below show how the shade changes as the RED GREEN BLUE colors each are increased by 8 units for each progression of the grade. Number one has zero for each of RED GREEN BLUE color. Number 30 then has the maximum (255) of each of RED GREEN BLUE.
The first two numbers are the units in the base 16 (hexadecimal) of the color RED. The next two numbers are the units in the base 16 (hexadecimal) of the color GREEN. The last two numbers are the units in the base 16 (hexadecimal) of the color BLUE.

In hexadecimal FF is the highest value (255) that can be used for colors in Web Hex colors. White is Hex FFFFFF. Black is Hex 000000.

1. #000000 2. #080808 3. #101010 4. #181818 5. #202020 6. #282828 7. #303030 8. #383838 9. #404040 10. #484848

11. #585858 12. #606060 13. #686868 14. #707070 15.787878 16. #808080 17.888888 18. #909090 19. #989898 20. #A0A0A0

21. #B8B8B8 22. #C0C0C0 23. #C8C8C8 24. #D0D0D0 25. #D8D8D8 26. #E0E0E0 27. #E8E8E8 28. #F0F0F0 29. #F8F8F8 30. #FFFFFF
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