Shades of Violet in Hex for Web Pages
is a bright bluish purple color that takes its name from the violet flower. On
the traditional color wheel used by painters, it is located between blue and
1. #000000 | 2. #1D0033 | 3. #2B004C | 4. #390066 | 5. #480080 | 6. #560099 | 7. #6400B2 | 8. #7200CC | 9. #8100E6 | 10. #8F00FF |
11. #9A19FF | 12. #A533FF | 13. #AB40FF | 14. #B14DFF | 15. #BC66FF | 16. #C780FF | 17. #D299FF | 18. #DDB2FF | 19. #E9CCFF | 20. #F4E6FF |