Shades of Yellow in Hex for Web Pages

Here we can see the effect of intensity of the color yellow. If the world of web colors YELLOW is the combination of RED and GREEN in equal amounts with the color YELLOW at its brightest when both RED and GREEN are it its maximum (FF). And up to number 30 we use no BLUE. The BLUE component is at zero.

I then show how by adding increasing amounts (25 units) of BLUE the yellow then will become lighter and lighter. If I had gone to BLUE with full amount (FF) this color would then have been white.

11. #585800 12. #606000 13. #686800 14. #707000 15. #787800 16. #808000 17. #888800 18. #909000 19. #989800 20. #A0A000

21. #B8B800 22. #C0C000 23. #C8C800 24. #D0D000 25. #D8D800 26. #E0E000 27. #E8E800 28. #F0F000 29. #F8F800 30. #FFFF00

31. #FFFF19 32. #FFFF32 33. #FFFF4B 34. #FFFF64 35. #FFFF7D 36. #FFFF96 37. #FFFFAF 38. #FFFFC8 39. #FFFFE1 40. #FFFFFA