University of Cambridge

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

University of Cambridge Color 138 - #A3C1AD

Cambridge Blue is the color commonly used by sports teams from Cambridge University. There is considerable dispute regarding the exact shade of the color that should be used. Most notably, the color used by the Cambridge University Boat Club is different from that used by the rugby union club. The Boat Club color was created when Alf Twinn added more yellow to this shade

The University of Cambridge (informally known as "Cambridge University" or simply as "Cambridge") is a public research university located in Cambridge, England, United Kingdom. It is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world (after the University of Oxford), and the third-oldest surviving university in the world.

The official founding of Cambridge University is traced to the enhancement, by a charter in 1231 from King Henry III of England, which awarded the ius non trahi extra (a right to discipline its own members) plus some exemption from taxes, and a bull in 1233 from Pope Gregory IX that gave graduates from Cambridge the right to teach "everywhere in Christendom."

Shown is the Cambridge University Library
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