Cedar Chest

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Cedar Chest Color 160 - #C95A49

A hope chest, dowry chest, cedar chest, or glory box is a chest used to collect items such as clothing and household linen, by unmarried young women in anticipation of married life. The term "hope chest" or "cedar chest" is used in the midwest or south of the United States; in the United Kingdom, the term is "bottom drawer;" while "glory box" is used by women in Australia.

Using her own needlework skills to construct a trousseau and stock her glory-box "was for the working girl the equivalent of planning and saving for marriage on the part of the provident and ambitious young man. Contents of a "hope chest" or "glory box" included typical dowry items such as clothing (especially a special dress), table linens, towels, bed linens, quilts and occasionally dishware.

The peak of the hope chest as folk art came with the waves of European immigrants to America.

Shown is a cedar chest
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