Cerise Color

Internet Colors - Set of 1035

Cerise Color 167 - #DE3163

Cerise is a deep to vivid reddish pink. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first recorded use of cerise as a color name in English was in The Times of November 30, 1858. This date of 1858 as the date of first use of the color name is also mentioned in the 1930 book A Dictionary of Color. However, it was used at least as early as 1845 in a book of crochet patterns.

The color name comes from the French word "cerise", meaning cherry. The word "cherry" itself comes from the Norman cherise. In the 1930 book A Dictionary of Color it is pointed out that the color cerise has always been depicted as a somewhat bluer color than the actual color of a fresh uncooked cherry, which is denoted by a different redder color called cherry red. Basically, the color cerise is a depiction of the somewhat bluer color of a cooked cherry, such as the cherries in a cherry pie.

Shown is a cherry pie
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